BPSC Balochistan Public Service Commission have announced 329 Jobs 2024 – Advertisement No 07/2024
BPSC Balochistan Public Service Commission Applications are invited for initial recruitment to the following posts in Various Departments of the Government of Balochistan. Don’t wait for the last date, apply online today.
Age Calculation: Age will be calculated on the closing date for receipt of applications.
Local/Domicile Certificate: Candidates must submit a local/domicile certificate of their district. Married female candidates, not already in Government Service and desiring to apply on the basis of the local/domicile of their husband, should submit the local/domicile certificate of their husband containing her name. For in-service candidates, the local/domicile certificate endorsed in the service record of the department will be accepted.
Zonal Allocation: Vacancies are allocated based on the Government of Baluchistan’s Recruitment Policy of 1991.
Experience: Requisite experience means post-qualification experience gained in a regular, full-time paid job or relevant on-the-job training acquired after obtaining the required qualification till the closing date. Part-time, honorary, apprentice, and intern experience will not be considered.
Eligibility: Eligibility of candidates will be determined after the conduct of screening/professional test/examination. Candidates found ineligible after detailed scrutiny will have their candidatures canceled.
Viva Voce Test: Written/MCQs test qualified candidates will be called for a Viva Voce Test covering various topics.
- Forty-Three (43) posts of E.N.T Specialist (B-18).
- Merit: 01
- Zonal Allocation: Kalat: 09, Zhob: 01, Nasirabad: 05
- One (01) post of Physiotherapist (B-17).
- Zonal Allocation: Mekran Zone
- Qualification/Experience: B.Sc. Physiotherapy OR B.S Physiotherapy with one year’s post-qualification experience.
- One (01) post of Assistant District Attorney (B-18).
- Zonal Allocation: Kalat Zone
- Qualification/Experience: Degree in Law with five (05) years’ experience as an Advocate/Government Pleader or Public Prosecutor.
- One (01) post of Senior Architect (B-18).
- Zonal Allocation: Merit (All Balochistan)
- Qualification/Experience: Master’s Degree in Architecture with five (05) years’ experience OR Bachelor’s Degree in Architecture with ten (10) years’ experience.
- Twenty-Five (25) posts of Secondary School Teacher (General) Male (B-17).
- Zonal Allocation: Quetta Zone, Sibi Zone
- Qualification: Bachelor’s Degree in Arts and Bachelor’s Degree in Education.

- All applications for Initial Recruitment in BPS-16 and above must be submitted online through BPSC’s website www.bpsc.gob.pk.
- Candidates are required to deposit the original treasury receipt of the application fee.
- Applicants should refuse to engage with any person offering to help get selected, and in case of any such approach, should contact the Honorable Members of the Commission.
Closing Date: 13th June 2024
Balochistan Public Service Commission