Celebrating International Youth Day 2024
Every Day is Youth Day!
Prime Minister’s Youth Program
Transforming the Lives of 15 Million Youth through 4E’s:
- Employment: Issuance of 186 billion rupees in business loans.
- Education: 279,000 youth employed.
- Engagement: 595,000 laptops distributed; 100,000 more laptops to be distributed this year.
- Environment: 450,000 youth trained under Talent Hunt Youth Sports and 260,000 more youth to receive training.
Additional Highlights:
- 100,000+ talented youth benefited from scholarships provided by the Punjab Education Endowment Fund.
- 101,000 athletes set 26 Guinness World Records across 12 sports.
- Green Youth Movement Clubs established in 137 government universities.
- 18,000+ Green Youth Movement members with training for an additional 90,000+ members.
- 100 billion rupees allocated for additional business loans this year.
- 300,000 more youth benefited from free internships.
- Talent Hunt Program expanded to include 16 sports events.
- National Volunteer Corps established with public and private sector collaboration.
- Pakistan ranked 4th globally in IT exports with a target of 25 billion dollars.
- 150,000 free laptops distributed and continued efforts in various sports and environmental initiatives.
Celebrating International Youth Day 2024

This initiative leverages the 4E’s—Employment, Education, Engagement, and Environment—to create lasting impacts and foster development among the youth.
Employment is a key focus, with the program facilitating the issuance of 186 billion rupees in business loans. This initiative has successfully provided employment opportunities to 279,000 youth. Additionally, 300,000 more young individuals have been engaged in free internships, gaining valuable practical experience.
In Education, significant strides have been made with the distribution of 595,000 laptops and the provision of 100,000 additional laptops this year. Over 100,000 talented students have benefited from scholarships provided by the Punjab Education Endowment Fund, enabling them to pursue higher education and develop their skills.
The Engagement aspect of the program includes the Talent Hunt Youth Sports initiative, which has engaged 450,000 youth in various sports activities. This has led to the establishment of 137 Green Youth Movement Clubs across government universities, with over 18,000 members and training for an additional 90,000 youth.
Environment initiatives have also seen considerable success, with ongoing campaigns including the planting of 300,000 trees and organizing 150 cleanliness drives. These activities not only contribute to environmental sustainability but also promote community involvement.