Declaration of Public Holiday on the Occasion of Youm-e-Takbeer 28th May 2024





Islamabad, 27th May, 2024

Declaration of Public Holiday on the Occasion of Youm-e-Takbeer

In modification of Cabinet Division’s circular No. 10-02/2023-Min-II dated 20th December, 2023, regarding public and optional holidays for the year 2024, the Prime Minister has been pleased to declare 28th May 2024 (Youm-e-Takbeer) as a public holiday throughout the country.

This press release is for wide publicity through all major English and Urdu dailies and electronic media.

Kamran Ali Afzal
Cabinet Secretary

Copy forwarded to:

  1. Federal Ministers
  2. Ministers of State/Advisors and Special Assistants to the Prime Minister
  3. The Auditor General of Pakistan, Islamabad
  4. The Chief Election Commissioner of Pakistan, Islamabad
  5. Secretary to the Prime Minister, Islamabad
  6. Secretary to the President, Islamabad
  7. Secretaries/Additional Secretaries (In-Charge) of Ministries/Divisions
  8. Secretaries Senate and National Assembly Secretariats
  9. Chairman, NAB, Islamabad
  10. The Director General IB, Islamabad
  11. The Director General ISI, Islamabad
  12. The Director General (Staff Duty), General Headquarters (GHQ), Rawalpindi
  13. The Director General (Ops), Joint Staff Headquarters, Rawalpindi
  14. The Chief Commissioner, Islamabad
  15. The Chairman CDA, Islamabad
  16. Chief Secretaries of Provincial, AJK, and GB Governments
  17. All Inspectors General of Police
  18. Secretary, Wafaqi Mohtasib’s Secretariat, Islamabad
  19. Secretary, Wafaqi Tax Ombudsman Secretariat, Islamabad
  20. AGPR, Islamabad
  21. The Registrar, Supreme Court of Pakistan, Islamabad
  22. The Registrar, Federal Shariat Court, Islamabad
  23. The Registrar, Islamabad High Court, Islamabad
  24. The Manager, State Bank of Pakistan, Islamabad
  25. All departments of Cabinet Division including Director IT, to upload on official website
  26. PS to the Cabinet Secretary, Islamabad
  27. PS to the Additional Secretary-I, II & III, Cabinet Division, Islamabad

Mohammad Aqib Gulzar
Section Officer (Min-II)

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