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Ministry of National Health Services Regulations & Coordination NHSRC Jobs 2024
Applications are invited from eligible candidates to fill the following temporary posts in the District Health Office, Ministry of NHSR&C, Islamabad:
Sr. Designation BPS No of Quota Required Education Qualification Age Limit Posts Max
- Assistant 15 3 Sindh (R)-01 Baluchistan-01 Graduate, 06 weeks Basic IT Training Course (Including MS Office) conducted by NITB 18-28 Second Class Bachelor’s Degree preferable with statistics,
- Statistical Assistant 15 1 Punjab/ICT-01 Economic, Mathematics, Commerce, Sociology, or Social Work as a subject 18-25
- Sanitary Inspector 12 5 Punjab/ICT-02 Baluchistan-01 Sindh (R)-01 Sindh (U)-01 Matric with Science Diploma in the relevant field minimum one year or above 18-25
- Accounts Assistant 11 1 Graduate and preferable in Commerce i) Matric ii) Minimum typing speed 30 W.P.M. iii) 03 weeks Basic IT Training Course (Including MS Office) conducted by NITB 18-25
- LDC 9 1 Matric 18-25
- Family Welfare Worker 9 5 Punjab/ICT-01 KPK-01 Sindh (R)-01 Sindh (U)-01 Baluchistan-01 i) Matric ii) Certificate in LHV/FWW with Departmental training in RTI. iii) Only female candidates are eligible. 18-32
- Lady Health Visitor 12 1 Punjab/ICT-01 Sindh (R)-02 Baluchistan-01 Sindh (U)-01 KPK-02 i) Matric ii) Qualified LHV from Nursing Council. iii) Only female candidates are eligible. 18-25
- Junior Technician (Store) 9 1 GB-01 AJK-01 Punjab/ICT-01 Matric with Science Certificate in the relevant field 18-25
- Medical Assistant 8 13 Punjab/ICT-02 KPK-01 Sindh (R)-03 Sindh (U)-02 Baluchistan-01 GB-01 AJK-01 i) Matric ii) Qualified Medical Assistant from any medical faculty. iii) 03 Years’ experience in the relevant field or i) Matric ii) Nursing Assistant/Medical Assistant of Defence Forces. iii) 03 Years’ experience in the relevant field 18-25
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- Family Welfare Assistant (Male & Female) 7 10 Punjab/ICT-01 KPK-01 i) Matric with Science ii) Married Candidates shall be given preference. 18-30
- Theater Technician 7 2 Punjab/ICT-01 i) Matric preferable with Science. ii) 02 Years work experience and must be female i) Must be female 18-25
- Lady Health Supervisor 7 2 i) Graduation or lady health worker with 05 years’ experience (after completion of full training as LHW; and ii) Local resident of the area who permanently resides in the area and stands registered with one of the LHWS under her supervision. 18-25
- Lady Health Worker 5 56 Local/ICT U.C Tarlai-01 U.C Barakahu – 01 U.C Rawat – 07 U.C Phulgran – 03 U.C Sihala – 07 U.C Kirpa – 02 U.C Chirah-03 U.C Koral – 03 U.C Sohan-07 U.C Kurri – 03 Urban Sector (G-7)-06 Urban Sector(G-9)-03 i) Matric ii) Must be female and permanent resident of the area for which she is to be recruited. 18-25
- Vaccinator 5 1 Matric with Science
- Driver 4 14 Local/ICT i) Primary Pass ii) Valid LTV/HTV driving license holder and well-versed in the traffic rules. 18-25 18-30
- Aya (Dai) 1 2 Local/ICT i) Primary Pass ii) 02 Years’ experience in the relevant field. 20-32
- Naib Qasid 1 11 01- Post reserved for disable quota i) Primary Pass 18-25
- Chowkidar 1 10 Local/ICT i) Primary Pass
- Mali 1 6 Local/ICT i) Primary Pass
- Sanitary Worker 1 8 04- Minority i) Primary Pass 20-32

- The relaxation of age will be admissible as per the relaxation of the upper age limit rules 1993 (existing government rules).
- We will calculate the age with effect from the last date of submitting the application.
- We will not entertain advance copies of the application.
- Candidates already in service should send their applications through proper channels, and they must produce NOC at the time of the interview.
- We will determine the eligibility of candidates based on their academic qualification as given against each post, domicile, age, etc.
- We will observe a 02% Disable quota as per government policy.
- We will verify the information provided in the application forms in case of the appointment of the official. If we find any false or forged information, we reserve the right to cancel the candidature at any stage (even after employment if it is revealed later) and to initiate legal action against the applicant.
- We will not entertain incomplete applications or those received after the due date.
- No TA/DA will be admissible for the purpose of the test/interview.
- We will call only shortlisted applicants for the test/interview.
- Successful candidates against the posts mentioned at Sr. # 01 & 05 shall complete the mandatory NITB Course during one year of the probation period.
- We do not allow mobile phones in the test center premises.
- The competent authority reserves the right to cancel/postpone the recruitment process at any stage.
- The last date for submitting the application form is 15 days from the date of publication of this advertisement.
- Candidates may apply online on the National Job Portal website: NJP online within fifteen (15) days from the date of publication of the advertisement.
- No application will be entertained by hand.