Notification Restriction Remuneration Received by Government Officers from Board Meetings 2024

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Government of Pakistan

Finance Division (Regulations Wing)

Islamabad, the 10th July, 2024

Office Memorandum

F. No. 2(1) R-4/2004-Pt

Subject: Restriction on the Remuneration of Officers from Board Meetings

The undersigned is directed to refer to Cabinet decision No. 172/21/2024 dated 12.06.2024 and to state that government servants appointed to the Board of Companies/Organizations and who become entitled to a fee shall only be allowed to retain remuneration up to a maximum of Rs. 1.0 million (Rupees one million only) in a financial year. Any amount in excess of Rs. 1.0 million (Rupees one million only) received shall be deposited by the officer in the government treasury, and a record of the same shall be promptly provided to the administration wing of the respective Ministry/Division.

  1. The above orders shall be implemented with immediate effect.

(Hafsa Majeed)
Section Officer (R-4)

All Federal Ministries/Divisions/Departments

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