Temporary Pension Calculator 2024-25 for Pensioners Retired on or After 1st July 2024.
Pension Calculator for Pensioners The government has not yet finalized the revised pension scheme for 2024. In the meantime, pensioners can estimate their pension and commute/gratuity based on the current notification for pension increases for federal pensioners in 2024.
Below are the details for calculating your pension and gratuity using the previous rates and pension calculation formula:
Temporary Pension Calculation Sheet
This sheet is designed for pensioners who retired on or after 1st July 2024. By entering the following three details, you can estimate your pension:
- Basic Pay at the Time of Retirement
- Total Length of Service
- Age Rate
Basic Pay at the Time of Retirement
The Basic Pay at retirement includes Personal Pay (PP), which is any pay received beyond the last stage of the specific pay scale. Employees in BPS-01 to BPS-16 have 30 stages in their pay scale. Any pay beyond these 30 stages due to annual increments or other reasons is considered Personal Pay (PP).
If an employee retires on or after 1st June of a year, they receive an extra increment known as the Usual Increment, which is added for pension purposes only. This increment does not apply to TA/DA or Farewell Grants.
Total Length of Service
The total length of service includes the regular service period during which the employee received a salary. Service periods on Extra Ordinary Leave (EOL) are not counted. If the employee has served more than six months in a year, the full year is counted. If less than six months, it is ignored.
Age Rate
The age rate can be calculated using the provided age rate calculator. Even if the service period is a single day more than a year, it is considered a full year for age rate purposes.
Download Pension Calculator 2024-25 for Federal and Balochistan Pensioners
Note: The current calculator is prepared for Federal and Punjab pensioners. Updates will be made if there are any changes in the formula or rates, and calculators for other provinces will also be prepared.
Pension Reforms/Amendments 2024
Several proposals for pension reforms are currently under consideration by the government. These include:
- Calculating pensions based on the average pay of the last 24 or 36 months’ basic pay.
- Potential changes in the pension formula.
Until these changes are finalized, pensions can be calculated using the previous rates.