University of Agriculture, Faisalabad (UAF)
Job Openings Announcement
The University of Agriculture, Faisalabad (UAF) is inviting online applications ( from Pakistani nationals who are not married to foreign nationals. The positions are open for regular appointments with the qualifications and criteria detailed below. The deadline for submission is July 24, 2024.
1. Professors (BPS-21)
- Plant Breeding & Genetics / Seed Science & Technology (One)
- Agronomy (One)
- Entomology (One)
- Plant Pathology (One)
- Forestry & Range Management (One)
- Biotechnology (One)
- Soil Science / Environmental Sciences / Climate Change (One)
- Horticultural Sciences (One)
- Food & Nutrition (One)
- Zoology, Wildlife & Fisheries (One)
- Physics (One)
- Mathematics (One)
- Pakistan Studies (One)
- Computer Science / Information Technology / Software Engineering / Bioinformatics (One)
Qualifications/Criteria for Professors (Excluding Computing Sciences):
- Minimum Qualifications: Ph.D. from an HEC recognized institution in the relevant field.
- Experience:
- 15 years of teaching/research experience in an HEC recognized university or post-graduate institution, or professional experience in the relevant field in a national or international organization, OR
- 10 years post-Ph.D. teaching/research experience in an HEC recognized university or post-graduate institution, or professional experience in the relevant field in a national or international organization.
- Minimum Publications: 15 research publications (at least 5 in the last 5 years) in HEC recognized journals.
Qualifications/Criteria for Professors (Computing Sciences):
- Minimum Qualifications: Ph.D. degree in the relevant field recognized by HEC in consultation with PEC.
- Experience:
- 12 years of teaching/research experience in a recognized institution/college/university or 12 years of professional experience in the relevant field in a national or international organization, with at least 5 years of teaching experience, OR
- 10 years post-Ph.D. teaching/research experience in an HEC recognized university or post-graduate institution, or professional experience in the relevant field in a national or international organization.
- Minimum Publications: 15 research publications (at least 5 in the last 5 years) in HEC/PEC recognized journals.
2. Associate Professors (BPS-20)
- Plant Breeding & Genetics (One)
- Agronomy (One)
- Entomology (One)
- Plant Pathology (One)
- Horticultural Sciences (One)
- Physics (One)
- Minimum Qualifications: Ph.D. in the relevant field from an HEC recognized university/institution.
- Experience:
- 10 years of teaching/research experience in an HEC recognized university or post-graduate institution, or professional experience in the relevant field in a national or international organization, OR
- 5 years post-Ph.D. teaching/research experience in an HEC recognized university or post-graduate institution, or professional experience in the relevant field in a national or international organization.
- Minimum Publications: 10 research publications (at least 4 in the last 5 years) in HEC recognized journals.
3. Assistant Professors (BPS-19)
- Plant Breeding & Genetics / Seed Science & Technology (One)
- Agronomy (One)
- Entomology (One)
- Plant Pathology (One)
- Forestry & Range Management (One)
- Biotechnology (One)
- Soil Science / Environmental Sciences / Climate Change (One)
- Horticultural Sciences (One)
- Education (One)
- Rural Development (One)
- Assistant Professor (Statistician) (One)
- Ph.D. in the relevant field from an HEC recognized university/institution.
- No experience required.
4. Lecturers (BPS-18)
- Agri. Economics (One)
- Environmental & Resource Economics (One)
- Agri. & Resource Economics (One)
- Development Economics (One)
- Education (One)
- Physiology (One)
- Pharmacology (One)
- Pharmacy Practice (One)
- Pharmaceutics (One)
- Pharmaceutical Chemistry (One)
- Botany (One)
- Biochemistry (One)
- First Class M.Phil./MS or equivalent degree (18 years of education) or a Master’s degree from a foreign university in the relevant field from an HEC recognized university/institution with no third division in the entire academic career.
- Candidates with second division in M.Phil./MS or Master’s degree (foreign) but holding a higher degree (i.e., Ph.D.) may also be considered.
5. Senior Medical Officer (BPS-18)
- MBBS with postgraduate training in medicine from a recognized university with seven years of professional experience.
6. Land Utilization Officers (BPS-17) – Three Positions
7. Farm Officers (BPS-17) – Three Positions
- First Class Master’s Degree or equivalent (16 years of education) in Agriculture and its allied disciplines from an HEC recognized university/institution with no third division in the academic career.
- Candidates with second division in the Master’s degree but holding a higher degree (i.e., M.Phil./Ph.D. or equivalent) with 18 years of education may be considered, with at least two years of experience in farm management.
8. Assistant Director Sports (BPS-17) – Two Positions (Male/Female)
- Master’s degree in Physical Education from a recognized university, preferably with some experience in organizing and conducting sports in a university, board of secondary education, or a reputable college.
9. Bio-Safety Officer (BPS-17)
- Master’s degree (first division) or B.Sc. (Hons.) or BS with CGPA-3.00 from a university recognized by the Higher Education Commission (HEC).

General Conditions
- Applicants must apply online at After submitting the online application, print it and submit in quadruplicate (four complete sets) for the posts of Professor (BPS-21) and Associate Professor (BPS-20), and in triplicate (three complete sets) for the posts of Assistant Professor (BPS-19) and Lecturer (BPS-18), along with attested copies of all required documents. There is no need to submit a hard copy for other posts.
- Pay the job application processing fee (non-refundable) in Account No. 0720930181002449 of MCB Bank, University of Agriculture, Faisalabad Branch (Code-1688), title “Evening Fee Account” from any MCB Branch in the country. Upload the deposit slip on the link provided above:
- Professor (BPS-21): Rs. 3000/-
- Associate Professor (BPS-20): Rs. 2500/-
- Assistant Professor (BPS-19): Rs. 2000/-
- Lecturer (BPS-18): Rs. 1500/-
- For BPS-17 & above (non-faculty): Rs. 1000/-
- Government or other organization employees should apply through proper channels. Advance copies may be sent to save time. The No Objection Certificate (NOC) from the current employer must reach the Office of the Director-HR before the last date of application or the date of the interview.
- Government employees applying for any post must clarify through their department heads that there are no pending inquiries/outstanding dues against them and no adverse remarks in their Annual Confidential Reports. These conditions are necessary for the Departmental Permission Certificate/NOC. The ACR grading for the last five years must also be recorded in the forwarding letter.
- Existing university employees studying abroad will be considered in absentia. Candidates living abroad and unable to appear before the Selection Board may have their interviews conducted via video conferencing.
- Quotas are reserved as follows: 3% for disabled persons, 5% for minorities (non-Muslims), and 15% for women. Applicants must identify their eligibility for any quota in their application. She-males can apply if eligible.
- Employees entering service at UAF on or after July 1, 2023, will be governed under the Contributory Provident Fund (CPF) instead of the “University of Agriculture, Faisalabad Employees (Pension) Statutes, 1968.”
- Experience means the experience gained after acquiring the basic qualifications required for the posts other than faculty.
- The University reserves the right to:
- Not fill any vacancy without providing a reason.
- Shortlist candidates based on academic qualifications/test as prescribed by the University.
- Increase or decrease the number of vacancies as funds permit.
- Appoint any person to the main campus or any sub-campus.
- The University is not responsible for delays or non-receipt of call letters due to courier/postal service lapses.
- Only eligible candidates will be invited for tests/interviews. No TA/DA will be admissible.
- Candidates who have appeared twice before the Selection Board for the same post and were unsuccessful will not be invited again for the same post.
- Incomplete applications or those received after the due date will not be entertained. Hard copy applications for Professor (BPS-21), Associate Professor (BPS-20), Assistant Professor (BPS-19), and Lecturer (BPS-18) should reach the Office of the Director-HR, University of Agriculture, Faisalabad by July 26, 2024, during office hours.
For any issues with the online application, please contact during office hours:
- Phone: +92-41-9200161-70 Ext. 3338
- Email:
Director (HR)
IPL-6481 (LHR-G)