The Pakistan Water and Power Development Authority (WAPDA) was established through an act of parliament in February 1958 to undertake the integrated and rapid development and maintenance of water and power resources in the country. This includes efforts to control soil salinity and water logging, aiming to bolster the predominantly agricultural economy of the nation.
As per the charter (amended in March 1959), WAPDA is entrusted with the following duties:
- Investigation, planning, and execution of projects and schemes for:
- Generation, Transmission, and Distribution of Power.
- Irrigation, Water Supply, and Drainage.
- Prevention of Water Logging and Reclamation of Saline Land.
Vacancy Announcement
WAPDA invites applications from suitable and eligible candidates for the following posts at WAPDA Administrative Staff College, Islamabad on a regular basis:
1. Senior Cook/Head Cook (BPS-11)
- Number of Posts: 01
- Qualification/Experience: 06 months post-matric Diploma in relevant field with 02 years cooking experience in a Restaurant/Hotel/Government Institution
- Age Limit: 18-30 years (Open Quota: Punjab – 01)
2. Cook (BPS-08)
- Number of Posts: 03
- Qualification/Experience: Ex-Army personnel with 02 years cooking experience in Army Mess/Unit Middle with 3 years experience in a Restaurant/Hotel/Government Institution
- Age Limit: 18-30 years (ECQ: Punjab – 01, Sindh (R) Open – 01, KPK Open – 01)
3. Tandoorchi
- Number of Posts: 02
- Qualification/Experience: Middle + 02 years experience in relevant field in Restaurant/Hotel/Government Institution
- Age Limit: 18-30 years (ECQ: Punjab – 01, Sindh (R) Open – 01)
4. Driver (LTV)
- Number of Posts: 03
- Qualification/Experience: Person holding Light Duty Vehicle License with 05 years’ experience after obtaining the License having Middle pass qualification
- Age Limit: 25-35 years (ECQ: Punjab – 01, Sindh (R) Open – 01, Sindh (U) Open – 01)
Application Process
- Candidates should visit the M/s OTS website ( for registration and submission of applications within 15 days of publication of the advertisement.
- Test fee of Rs. 200/- should be paid to OTS in any Branch of Bank Alfalah, HBL, or ABL on prescribed Bank Challan form downloadable from the website:
- Applicants should send the complete prescribed application forms along with attested copies of all educational documents, domicile certificate, CNIC, relevant documents/experience certificates, two recent passport size photographs, and original fee Challan through courier service/Pakistan Post to the address below:
Manager Operations (WAPDA) Open Testing Service, Office No.1, Central Avenue, Bahria Town Phase-VI, Islamabad.
- OTS will inform candidates through text message regarding roll no. slips, test centers, test date, timing, etc.
- Applications submitted by hand or received after the due date shall not be entertained.
- Applicants are advised to regularly check the Testing Agency’s website: for important announcements related to recruitment against applied posts.
For any inquiries regarding application, test, roll no. slip, test center, result etc., candidates may contact OTS at +92 051 111 687 222, 051-8851008 or
Contact Information
Director (Recruitment) WAPDA
B-26, WAPDA House, Lahore,
Phone: 042-99200483
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